As the incoming Minister of Outreach I know there are a huge number of Mission opportunities available to us. Just in the past few weeks I have seen mailings from City Mission in Boston and Church World Service inviting our participation. In addition, I have heard several ideas from the congregation including care packages for college students and collecting and reselling sporting equipment to make playing sports more affordable for families.

So many choices can be overwhelming. I am asking for your help. I am forming Team Missions Possible. The goal would be to discern which opportunities resonate with the congregation and best fit who we are. I don’t think we need a huge number of projects, just a few well-chosen ones. This team would consider all ideas whether sent from outside GCC or brought forward by a member or friend, although ideally the person bringing an idea forward would be willing to take the lead!

Everyone in the congregation will be invited to participate in the projects, this team would just be responsible for choosing the best options out of all possibilities. If you are interested in joining please contact me or signup on the Team Board in middle office.

Kim Mosley


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