Ecumenical Candlelight Taizé Service

The Groveland Congregational Church cordially invites the community
to a candlelight meditation service modeled on the services held at
the Taizé community in France. The service will take place on
Sunday evening, January 29 th at 7:00 PM at the church which is
located at 4 King St., corner of King St. and Main St. in Groveland.
(Snow date: February 5th)
The Taizé community, which was founded in 1940, today is comprised
of over 100 brothers, Roman Catholics and Protestants, from a
variety of backgrounds and representing over 25 different nations.
Every year thousands of people visit the community on a pilgrimage
that encourages them to build relationships of trust among human
beings. They leave with a deepened sense of inner life and a
readiness to embrace the responsibilities that will help make this
world a better place to live.
Taizé prayer is a simple form of ecumenical Christian prayer centered
on scripture, silence and song. It involves singing and listening to
the word of God in an atmosphere of silence and peace. The worship
space will be illuminated with a multitude of candles; the music will
consist of simple repeated refrains, enabling the worshippers to enter
into prayer. There will be readings from scripture, petitions and a
time of silent meditation. In this type of service, the community
gathers to listen to God. By singing simple songs of prayer over and
over, the mind calms and the soul opens up; God speaks and the
heart hears. The theme for this month’s service is “Behold; I make
all things new!”
Take a few minutes from your busy life to nurture your spirit. You’ll
be glad you did! The service lasts approximately 30 to 40 minutes.
For further information, contact Groveland Congregational Church at
978-372-3463 or visit the web site at .


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